Awesome Private Island Family Adventures You’ll Love This Fall

Fall Family Vacations

Which type of getaways do your children enjoy? Do they get more excited when you tell them that they’re going on an adventure rather than the typical invitation to a family vacation? According to the Family Adventure Project, parents need to teach their kids the difference between the two. A poll taken by the UK travel industry substantiates this. “85% of children aged 6-12 long for more adventure, with 85% of parents saying adventure should be an important part of their children’s lives.”

If you feel the same way, taking kids camping makes a good start, but if your immediate reaction to the thought of joining this movement is “We don’t have the time or money to pull off a true adventure trip,” you probably haven’t heard about Belize. The small, manageable, English-speaking nation has so many exciting experiences catering to families, that it’s impossible to get bored.

Further, every family member receives a bonus: By taking the family on adventures, your kids will avoid “nature deficit disorder,” a major issue facing kids who are so perpetually wired, that they are deprived of “direct exposure to nature [which] is essential for healthy childhood development and for the physical and emotional health of children and adults,” says child advocacy expert Richard Louv.

Get your fill of fun on a private Belize island

 Family Adventure Travel

If your kids are not only intrigued by the thought of an adventurous overseas getaway but you choose a kid-friendly Belize private island as your destination, you’re going to get buy-in from your children, no matter what their ages are. Given inflationary prices that have dogged North Americans of late, you could even save money by taking advantage of rates at Manta Island Resort, since they remain low throughout the fall.

Savvy parents rave about Manta’s All Inclusive Package rates that take all the work out of a stay while making this sojourn affordable. In return for this bounty, you and your children will be thrilled by amenities and adventures that have proven so popular, that some families return to Manta Island Resort every year. Sound like a getaway you would like to know more about?

What you can expect from a stay on the island

  • Roomy digs accommodate families of all sizes
  • Tasty meals that delight even picky eaters
  • Your kids will be spellbound by tales of pirates who used this island as a staging area for their raids
  • The spa and yoga deck offer services you won’t find elsewhere, including children’s mini massages
  • Staffers love visitors of all ages, but especially the littlest ones
  • A special deal that saves so much, you can say yes to your fall family vacation after all.

Kids deserve adventures. Parents do, too. Fall into autumn by treating everyone to this thrilling getaway, but be forewarned: Once you take your kids on an adventure that’s as exciting as this one, you’ll have set a high standard for all future escapes!

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