If you’ve followed high-profile vote certifications, you know that contests are of great importance—whether the vote happens to be for a government official, or an opportunity to recognize the Best of the Best. This is especially important if you travel because you’re making a big...
Manta Island Named #8 Best Central American Resort: Expect Good Fortune!
In China, the number eight is magical. It is pronounced “Ba,” which sounds like “Fa,” a word that means “make a fortune”! Associated with wealth, prosperity, status, and success, planners of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games insisted that the “opening ceremony commenced exactly at 8...
Manta Island Resort Deserves Your 2024 Conde Nast Readers’ Choice Vote
Where were you in the 1950s? If the answer is “not yet born” you probably have no idea what it was like 70 years ago when creative marketers looked for new ideas to attract more consumers. It was colorful era that saw the birth of...
Manta Island Resort: World Winner of 2023 TripAdvisor Awards
If you have no clue what distinguishes a Caribbean resort with a 5-star rating from those earning fewer stars, that probably has something to do with providing six important criteria that must be met to earn that top ranking: Having an aesthetic that encompasses a...
Yes, Your Voice Counts When You Vote in the 2023 Conde Nast Readers Poll
It’s no secret that we live in a world inundated by personal opinions, especially for those who spend more time on social media than they care to admit. The art of weighing other opinions can be difficult, and clear-minded people understand that opinion solicitation can...
Tripadvisor Names Manta Island Resort One Of The ‘Hottest New Hotels’ In The World
Where do you seek travel help? Do you call Uncle Bill whose world travels have earned him the position of all-knowing sage? Perhaps there’s a travel agent on your speed dial who knows exactly what you seek when it’s vacation time. Maybe you’re an inveterate...
Vote for Manta Island Resort in Condé Nast Traveler’s Choice Awards
If your fondest high school memories include elections that determined student council members, homecoming kings and queens, or organization leaders, you probably recall how much fun it was to make posters and drum up votes for friends. Win or lose, helping determine outcomes helped you...