Why a January Digital Detox is Best Launched on a Tropical Island

tropical island digital detox

The Concordia University psychology department is but one of many entities identifying the downside of the digital technology that has come to pervade our lives. Scientists have even come up with a name for the stress we suffer when we have no access to our mobile phones: Nomophobia. The contradiction existing between our dependence on technology and fear of not being able to connect has triggered endless tips offered to ease technology dependence that, if applied, can be helpful. They include adopting these practices:

  • No texting while driving
  • No taking a phone into the bathroom
  • Substituting debit cards and cash for digital payments
  • Stowing your device away from the bedside
  • Turning the phone off when interacting with friends
  • Experimenting with leaving your phone at home for short periods

Sound scary? Here’s the ideal way to launch your commitment

 digital detox on a tropical island

Take a vacation that serves as a digital detox! At Manta Island Resort, located off Belize’s coastline, there is so much to do, see, and experience that the urge to check your phone throughout the day is amazingly easy to control. You’ll be so busy exploring Glover’s Reef, the coral atoll on which this property was built, checking for messages will be the last thing on your mind.

Free of having to make decisions thanks to Manta’s All Inclusive Package, add-ons, tours, and onsite amenities, you’ll be too preoccupied with living in the moment, thus if you love this idea and want to begin your digital detox journey right now, you’ll find it easy.

Shop for last-minute airline flights to Belize and book a January stay at Manta Island Resort while there are still opportunities to take the spontaneous holiday you need to shore up your energy for 2025. Recipient of a 2024 Conde Nast Readers’ Choice Award, Manta’s resources are so plentiful, you’ll not only have your fill of fun by selecting from a generous menu of tours and activities, but you’ll log enough hours doing absolutely nothing to combat any nomophobia symptoms you may have brought to this Caribbean haven.

Does saving money reduce your stress levels, too?

If so, you’ll want to know more about the current Sunny Season of Savings opportunity that is so rare, you may not believe your eyes when you check out savings associated with each accommodation option. You’ll have to act immediately since January is upon us, thus your best avenue of booking a date is to call the resort’s toll-free phone number right now to check on dates available for your January digital detox: 1-800-408-8224.

A sampling of what you can expect during your getaway gives you a peek at the environment in which you’ll launch your new philosophy of less dependence on electronics is found on this resort webpage. If you can identify a more idyllic place to achieve your goal, we’d love to hear about it!

Call or email our Reservations office today!
(800) 408-8224