Just For Couples: The Perfect Belize Summer Getaway

Officials working for Oneida County, located deep within Wisconsin’s Northwoods, approached the coming summer by asking website visitors to respond to this question: “What activities would you most like to pursue during your 2024 summer getaway?” Responses flooded in. There’s a good chance this list...

5 Reasons to Vacation in Belize During May or June

If you live in North America, you’ve probably made peace with the fact that there are four seasons, requiring several wardrobes to make sure you’re appropriately attired. The people of Central America have it so much easier! There are only two seasons and they’re most...

Unplug and Recharge: Find Your Zen at Manta Island Resort in 2024

Finding ways to unplug and recharge has become a topic that even frenzied entrepreneurs are beginning to take seriously. From new types of exercise and recreation that focus on relaxation over exertion to businesses dedicated to the proposition that North American’s aren’t taking an adequate...