Why this Belize Island Resort is the Perfect Fit for You

Every year, the Islands.com website asks site visitors to rate their favorite destinations and while island locations shift from one place to another, one statistic remains consistent: 80% of people who vacation on islands dream about moving to them permanently! Their feelings are understandable given...

Celebrate Milestones on This Idyllic Belize Island

Have you heard—perhaps even used—the word “milestone” without understanding its full meaning? Time to remedy that by looking back over your life and taking inventory of highlights that are so profound, they remain in your memory for a lifetime. Milestones, in the true sense of...

5 Reasons to Vacation in Belize During May or June

If you live in North America, you’ve probably made peace with the fact that there are four seasons, requiring several wardrobes to make sure you’re appropriately attired. The people of Central America have it so much easier! There are only two seasons and they’re most...

Belize Vacation Guide (Where to Stay on Belize Islands & Atolls)

Travelers miss a lot when they frequent land-locked countries, thus the reason seasoned vacationers prefer Belize is because inland sites are beautiful but the nation’s islands and atolls are spectacular. Not sure how to differentiate the two because you snoozed through geology class? An atoll,...